Full Version: GL1200 Oil Orfice
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Hi Everyone;

Replacing head gaskets on my wing, after removing the head noticed the oil orfice is buggered up from when I had a shop replace the gaskets last time. Like to replace if possible, the honda part number is 12238-MG9-000 which is no longer available, does any one have one that I can buy from them? The one in the bike is out of round like they tried to remove from block with pliers. Also if i cannot get one would it be possible to try to make round again the best I could , will it cause problems?

Thank you, John
(12-28-2013, 12:46 PM)Spacenut Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Everyone;

Replacing head gaskets on my wing, after removing the head noticed the oil orfice is buggered up from when I had a shop replace the gaskets last time. Like to replace if possible, the honda part number is 12238-MG9-000 which is no longer available, does any one have one that I can buy from them? The one in the bike is out of round like they tried to remove from block with pliers. Also if i cannot get one would it be possible to try to make round again the best I could , will it cause problems?

Thank you, John

Hi John,
PM me your address & I'll send you one.

Ride Safe, Don (Poorboy)
aint this just a great site???? Smile