Full Version: hi laides and gentelmen from the uk.
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thanks for letting me join this forum ,
im new to Honda Goldwing always wanted one and missed one about 10 yrs back.
but I did a deal today 1st oct 2014, and my bike will arrive on Saturday,[can't wait to be honest ].
it will be at my garage sat morning but I will turn up in the afternoon as the old owner is going to clean her up etc.

can't look to keen l.o.l. Cool
What year and what model, and welcome to the forum.
I don't get it till Saturday, and all I know its a 1984 Goldwing aspencade 1200 inj . it has a few issues things like has fitted radio/cd/cb , all light up but no sound ,lights on front bumper don't work. don't know much about it yet ,
just had to have one .
if inj means injected it would be an 85 LTD model. others had 4 carbs.
Hello and welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum and we are looking forward to see some pictures of your GoldWIng.