Full Version: 1986 GL1200 Aspencade
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Looking at buying an’86 GL 1200 Aspencade with 35,000 miles.
Bike is in beautiful condition.
What things should I look for that could be bad?
Brakes are completely done. New timing belt, Splines greased.Air shocks work.
35,000 miles is very low milage. If the price is right and the things I mention here below are OK, I would recommend to buy it.
I like the 1200 more then the bigger models.

Check the exhaust for rust on the bottom
Check if al electronic is working like the airpump, the lcd dashboard, the radio and (if it has ons) the CB.
Check the generator. Due to bad connectors at the generator side, the generator will sometimes fail. Check if it gives about 14 volt when the engine is running and make shure the connectors are not coroded.

Here is some more info:

This may also be helpfull:

Good luck and post a picture when you bought it ;-)