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Full Frontal Nudity

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To make the bike more comfy for my 6'3" frame, I intend to raise the handlebars an inch or two, and rotate them back an inch or two.

[Image: 13026758zb4.jpg]

Notice just slightly left of center there are 3 multi-plugs.
This is the wiring harness connection, and will be one major bitch for fun when it comes time to put the fairing back on.
Very little room, wire is very short, and I got big fat clumsy fingers.

[Image: 82108276mw6.jpg]

Sure is a buncha stuff in there. In fact, taking the bike apart, it's kinda scary!
So much stuff that has to go back together correctly, or I'll be majorly pissed off.

[Image: 69370927vp1.jpg]

This image give a fair idea of how big the 1200cc engine is.
You can see the black frame of the bike, and how the cylinders stick out past it.

[Image: 87005639pr0.jpg]
The bikes model and paint color(s)
Question. What's the distinction in the f, as in GL1200AF

[Image: 58401652qm1.jpg]

I figure that right now I have about 2 months to study the manuals, ask questions here on the GL1200 forum, fix things, do routine mantenance, and make a few improvements. For a non-mechanicm I just hope that's not asking too much of myself.
In about 2 months the weather will start to turn and if my baby isn't rolling, sounding sweet and lookin sexy, I'll be very sad.
Question. What's the distinction in the f, as in GL1200AF

I'm going to stick my neck out and guess that the F stands for Federal version. Anybody else care to guess?


She sure is Naked!!!

I'm still trying to figure out what "GL" stands for????? 8) 8)


It means "GOOD LUCK" trying to put it back together :lol:
I read a story about what GL stands for, not sure if it is true but here it is. In 1974 Honda entered a new type of bike to a cologne motor bike show. It was A GL series 999cc flat 4 cyl. It was the second Japanese bike to be water cooled and the first to have a fuel pump among many other unique features. The bike got good ratings so in 1975 Honda brought out the first production model GL1000. GL was the series number. Sounds good anyway.
So far I haven't taken anything apart that is technically difficult, and I likely won't because I am not a mechanic. The only reason I do mechanic work is because I can't afford to pay someone else to be a mechanic for me. Besides, I learn and appreciate more if I do it myself.

The only issue I'm worried about, so far to put it back together, is getting the upper fairing back on, and the wiring harness plugged back in, by myself without hurting anything. (including me)

I expect it will be frustrating, but I will persevere and I will win!
i was told that Gl means grand luxury

aswell CB stands for City Bike
I will say that I have absolutely no idea what any of the lettering stands for. But I do like William86`s ideas... sounds good to me!
Wayne Allen :? :?


Get a second person to help get the fairing back on. Life will be much better for you.

Since you have the wing stripped down that far why not replace the brake flex hoses. :?:

It makes a big difference to your braking and is a great safety incentive.

Venco Wings sell them in sets for the 1200; not cheap, pain in the butt to install, but well worth the effort. Big Grin

Howard 8) 8)
I fully agree with Howard. It's a worthwhile investment.
My list is growing rapidly.

Better give up a look.
You really need to stop teasing the "Old Retired Sailor" with thoughts of pornographic images.
Its just not fair! :lol:
Or as Archie Bunker always put it, "Full Nudal Frontity"!!! :lol:



fysty-1 Wrote:What's the matter with y'all?? GL stands for "Good Lookin' " what else???? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

That's kinda what I thought too. But MY modesty prevented me from saying anything. :roll: :roll:
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