Full Version: This is getting the best of me!
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<DIV>I'm no expert either are you running a fairing of any type? some of them cause the bike to lift. also what is the ballance and condition of your front tire, new, worn, flat spotted, ect this will cause some shake also see how good the wheel spins in its wheel bearings. Set the bike on the center stand use a small jack under the motor to lift the front end off the ground. Grab the front of the wheel and see if you have any movement in the stem and neck area. Set the front end pointing stright ahead take a small fish scale and using a string hook it on one side of the bars and pull easy and slow see how much resiant you get. repeat on oppsite side.  spin your front wheel check for dragging breaks and tight spots (bad rotter will bind in spots try several times backing off the breaks by hitting them with a rubber hammer on the face then use the brake to pump them back up seeing if one side or the other is sticking or dragging) this may help to start to figure out what is what let's get a base-line to work with and we'll see if any help is out there. please post any or all results.</DIV> <DIV>frank-n-wing</DIV>


<DIV>Fuel problem can be a blocked vent in the gas cap.  Try blowing compressed air thru the small holes, or opening up the holes slightly with a small drill bit.</DIV> <DIV>The biggest thing is with the fuel lines inside the tank.  They will block up with crud, as will the metal screen in the bottom of the tank.  Take a piece of cable that has broken the end off, and chuck that into your drill.  Pull the petcock off, then feed the end of the cable into the line into the fuel line as you run the drill.  NOTE the tank should be EMPTY!!!! before doing this.  Shoot some brake cleaner into the line and watch the gunk come out, then do it again.  </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Now for the biggie.  Take a piece of welding rod and bend a small hook in one end.  Reach down into the tank and hook it into the metal screen over the pickups and yank it out.  It is clogged up and won't let a thing past except at a slow pace.  Install an external fuel filter in the line to the fuel pump.  That should do it!!</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>Front wobble could be 1 need new wheel bearings, 2. Need new tire, 3. Loose spokes. 4. then the steering head bearings.  If your front tire is worn on the outsides and not in the middle, its the tire causing the problem.</DIV>
<DIV>Try checking your fuse at the starter relay. Sometimes they have a crack and after they warm up they cause problems.</DIV>


<DIV>You may be having a coil problem or the little porcelain ballast resistor may be bad.  Go to Randakk's site and check out his tech tips concerning your coils and ballast resistor.  As for headshakes....My Gold Wing has left me shaking my head so many times my neck got sore...DON'T GIVE UP!  When you finally get it running right...You can't beat it!  Oh...And by the way....Check and see if there is a balance weight on your front rim or on one of the spokes.  Take it OFF and ride it and see what happens....</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>fingerpik</DIV>