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<DIV>How you making out with your Bobber ? I see your pics you got the reinforcmant in at the front of framing . Also what tank and what did you have to do to fit it ? </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>  Zryder</DIV>


<DIV>Z</DIV> <DIV>I posted some pictures of the exposed drive train about 2 weeks back under "exposed driveshaft". the tank is a standard HD with a 18 gage panel cut and fited in widended about 5 inches or so welded and braced from underneath and some skirts in the front to cover up the gap that was created. The curve of the tank is the same curve as in the top section of my frame the tank matches this curve and is bolted to the top member of the frame the large rectangler tubing. The frame is opened up at the top sides so I can get the webber carb and its air cleaner in and out for service with out to much trouble. Since I had the front off  I thought I would clean up the drive train it's taking me a bit longer have to reloacate some bracing and make a few more braces and mounts to hold up the rear-end unit I think it will look different. Then since I have no swing arm (this is where my fender stopped and was mounted) I have to create or get a new rear fender or make this one longer I have been mulling this around, and have not figured out what to do yet. Photo shopped this together though.</DIV> <DIV><IMG height=251 src="http//" width=532></DIV> <DIV>What ya think???????</DIV> <DIV>Frank-n-wing </DIV>


<DIV>Dangit that is sweat . Beauty job My Friend , That is so classic looking . Its comming along great . I happen to see a GL 1000 with a Indian frant and rear fender nad really like it . Here is a site for custom fenders and they will even make up a fender to your specs ; <A target=_top href="http//">http//</A>  . I scrolled down and they have the indian fenders . I was also looking at the tail dragger fenders that are unique . I still have to make up another sprung seat . I did make one but found it kind of small for my butt<IMG height=19 src="http//" width=19> LOL . But Please keep us up to date , Looking great .</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>   Zryder</DIV>


<DIV>Have a look at his album here GLGary , He's done some off the wall work making his ride out to be quite outstanding . <A target=_top href="http//">http//</A></DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>   Zryder</DIV>


<DIV>The bike started out life as a 1983 full dressed Gl1100 just a bit to much stuff on it for me So first thing striped is all down. I had the idea of a modern motor that could run down the Hi way at speed, but have been a vintage bike nut all my life I wanted an old bike too. The Goldwing platform is one of the best ever made, I started to combine the two together. I have an art degree so I apporach thing from a different angle. Bikes or what ever I work on have to be like a painting  all thing have to flow and fit together. I know what I want and how it should look then I just have to fill in all the peices to fit. The hardtail frame is my idea and design. I made all the parts and the plates and then welded it all up (I have made custom hardtail sections for many bikes for years going way back; now I just do it for myself). The bike frank-n-wing was all together once then this winter I took her back down to expose the drive train. Now will have to do some mods to the frame to hold the rear member in place. The weather has been bad this winter and have not made too much progress putting her back together yet; but spring still is not here so I have time I hope. I have made all the custom parts and then fitted the parts together , (I'm a bit handy in the machine shop department have done this type of work for years before that I worked on bike of all types and made repo parts for Cushmans scooters. Now I am back to working on bikes again as a goldwing teck at Gene's Gallery the oldest aftermarket goldwing shop in the US).Frank-n-wing has homemade parts, Cushman parts, Indian parts, HD parts, Honda Parts, VW webber carb, and loads of other parts on it. That is how it got its name I was frankestineing a goldwing together and a friend of mine call it Frank-n-wing I kept the name and have been building it and rebuilding it for about a 1 1/2 to 2 years now. Want to get it back together this time and leave it alone I think I have reached what and where I wanted to build, and want to start on an other one just bought 2 1977 gl1000 this past week and built a diamond girder front end this is also my design (patterend off a Crocker) that will be going on one I will leave it as a bobber this time. I will try to answer any questions you may have about it please to ask, will answer when time lets me. I have written more here than I ever thought I would and probly boared all to death with my ramblings. If not and you would like what is what about the bike I can write what part and how I put thing togethe if you would like.</DIV> <DIV>Thanks </DIV> <DIV>Frank-n-wing</DIV>


<DIV>As Bob says , " keep up the great work " I am enjoying your build very much . I would like to ask about the fitting of the old school Indian fenders and springer forks to the GL steering head . Thanks in advance , beauty work .</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV>  Gary ... aka ... Zryder</DIV>