Full Version: Voltage meter ???
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I have a '84 Aspy and and have had no trouble to this point with the stator, 73K, and I read all these posts and most make reference to a bad stator. I see there are a few volt meters available and I am looking for input on which one seems to do the best job and ease of mounting/looks.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, I love the enthusiasm for the GL 1200! It makes me even happier with my Aspy.
Check with Tricky, I believe that he is using a voltmeter on his 85.


No matter what voltmeter you decide on, or where you decide to mount it, make sure it's reading off battery voltage, not system voltage. They are not necessarily the same.
beyond a doubt i would have to reccommend this voltmeter especially for readabilty and ease of mounting

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mount the unit to the right hand brake master cylinder with the supplied tape,run the wires down the handlebar to a 12V true battery source and u are done,it may not read exactly in tenths and stuff but while u are going down the road a quick glance tells u one way or another if u have problems anything else can wait till u get home
To wire it from the battery check out the picture