Full Version: Cycle-Comm CB transmit problems
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My 1200 has a Cycle-Comm, not Hondaline, CB unit. It was working great until about a week ago. It passed the radio checks before the ride started, by the time I made it to the highway it had stopped transmitting. Makes it hard to be the group ride leader with no communications.

My first thought was the PTT switch so I tried the passenger's PTT. Same symptoms, red 'TX' light comes on, but no transmit and the stereo does not cut out and I cannot hear my voice in my helmet headset.

My next thought was connections. Tore open the left pocket and scooped all sorts of electronic guts out. Found some ugly 'twisted-together and wire nut' connections. Fixed those with solder and shrinkwrap. That actually cleaned up my stereo a little but didn't have any affect on the CB problem. Opened all the white snap together connectors and 5 pin DIN connectors. None looked corroded. Found a broken wire at one of the white connectors, fixed that. Still no transmit. I also noticed that the LED channel display is not working.

I've checked the 2 amp in-line fuses and the 7.5 amp and 20 amp blade fuses under the pocket. All good. No transmit.

I've opened both the main unit and the control panel but again, no obvious corrosion on either.

I've called Sierra, they don't work on Cycle--Comm. But the did recommend Air-Rider since they bought Cycle-Comm years ago. When I called Air-Rider they told me they stopped working on Cycle-Comm products 5 or 6 years ago.

So, last ditch effort here. Ask the real experts. Any helpful hints or ideas I can try? Anybody know of any independent shops that might work on Cycle-Comm stuff? The manufacturing plate says the unit was made in 1990.

Thanks in advance.

Craig Dockter
1985 Beige Aspencade (currently without CB :cry: )


Best bet for aftermarket cb repair would be near or at your closest truck stop. Most independants hang out around there. Ask 'em. Someone will know.