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Just purchased a #31610-MG9-931 Radio Noise Filter Kit for my 84A. I have figured out where the #31620-ML8-770 Regulate Rectfier Filter (RD1212) goes but not sure where the #31630-ML8-770 Line Filter (RD1211) goes can someone advise, thanks.
can you post us a picture of the part,
It is item #2 in the picture and has red plug connectors. I think I have found the connection under the left fairing pocket, just need someone to confirm this. Thanks.

[Image: ML84F4700.png]
cant seem to find it in the wiring diagram for the radio install or in the schematic for the radio wiring,i would have thought that if it was a Honda"kit" that it would have had some instructions
it does appear from the picture that its bolted to the inner part of the left fairing like the poweramp and multiplex boxes are but since neither of my bikes seem to have this i cant help you,hopefully someone will come along with more info
I know that the items were part of a recall back when the 1200's were manufactured to correct radio and head set static from the engine. I have gone ahead and plugged it into the harness in the left pocket. The wire colour codes match so I don't think i can go too wrong. Thanks for your interest in helping.

There is a NOS of that exact part on e-bay right now..$140.00+ $25.00 shipping!!! Confusedhock: Confusedhock: It's actually a noise filter for the headsets, at least that's what it says in the auction description. Idea
Sorry guys; senor's moment! :oops: That part is actually $45.00 + $9.50 shipping...watching TOO many things on e-bay... Confusedhock: