Full Version: Re: GL1200 frame decals
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Has anybody found where to buy a set of frame decals for a 1200 Aspencade 1984?
I have powdercoated my frame and the old decals could do to be replaced.
The only ones I could find were for a 1983 1100 but they are different.
I have tried everywhere to find these decals but no go.
I am going to get some made up.
Anyone interested in a set?
If you could provide suitable pictures of decals you want in good condition, I'm sure any vinyl place could fire off some copies. Idea
I had a large one made 5.5 ft.x 2 ft ( BladeRunner ) for the transom of my boat, it's been on there 4 yrs now and looks the same as the day it was put on. I'm sure they could do any size you need.
Thank you for your replies.
It looks like I will have to get them made up.
Only problem is, some of the decals on my frame were beyond salvaging
and I do not have patterns to work from.
Lemen Wrote:Thank you for your replies.
It looks like I will have to get them made up.
Only problem is, some of the decals on my frame were beyond salvaging
and I do not have patterns to work from.

I think I have a complete set of frame decals, never used. Only problem is that they are in French. I will have to check to make sure I still have them. If you think that they will help, they are yours. I don't think I will ever use them.
Orignalowner Wrote:
Lemen Wrote:Thank you for your replies.
It looks like I will have to get them made up.
Only problem is, some of the decals on my frame were beyond salvaging
and I do not have patterns to work from.

I think I have a complete set of frame decals, never used. Only problem is that they are in French. I will have to check to make sure I still have them. If you think that they will help, they are yours. I don't think I will ever use them.

Wow! I will gladly buy these from you if you can find them. I would use these as patterns
to get some made, so being in french would not be a problem.
Success yes looks like they are all here, even the metal plate that goes to the compressor outlets. Only one possible problem: the impending doom of a postal strike. From what I have read the postal union has given 72 hour notice, after which they are in legal strike position. I don't know if you are in a rush, let me know what you want to do. pm your email and mailing address and we'll go from there.

All my frame decals are mint and I'd be glad to take photos and measurments if you'd like.


All my frame decals are mint and I'd be glad to take photos and measurments if you'd like.

Orignalowner Wrote:Success yes looks like they are all here, even the metal plate that goes to the compressor outlets. Only one possible problem: the impending doom of a postal strike. From what I have read the postal union has given 72 hour notice, after which they are in legal strike position. I don't know if you are in a rush, let me know what you want to do. pm your email and mailing address and we'll go from there.

My apologies for not responding sooner. I would be interested in purchasing these decals from you.
I will PM you my email address.
judd9571 Wrote:Lemen,

All my frame decals are mint and I'd be glad to take photos and measurments if you'd like.


Thank you for your generous offer.
I will PM you with my email